How Somatic and Attachment-Focused EMDR Can Remove Blocks to Healing

How Somatic and Attachment-Focused EMDR Can Remove Blocks to Healing

For decades, therapy was a process involving lots of talking and self-analysis. It could take years. A person's childhood and family environment and interpersonal relationships were often dissected at length. But despite therapists’ best efforts and intentions, talk therapy didn’t always yield the hoped-for results. Clients often still struggled with anxiety, depression, phobias, and the effects of trauma.

How Developmental Trauma Can Lead to Chronic Anxiety Symptoms

How Developmental Trauma Can Lead to Chronic Anxiety Symptoms

If you live with chronic anxiety, you already know how frustrating it is. You’re tired of it getting in the way of the things you want to do and the life you want to have.

Like many people, you’ve probably spent hours trying to pinpoint what has caused the anxiety in your life. You’ve tried to identify sources, experiences, and situations that could have contributed to it. And perhaps you’ve put your finger on some of them.

Low Self-Esteem: Why Is It Such an Enormous Struggle, for Women in Particular?

Low Self-Esteem: Why Is It Such an Enormous Struggle, for Women in Particular?

If you’ve spent much time with teenagers, particularly females, you’ve probably picked up on how difficult living with low self-esteem is. Even when you’re with your adult female friends, chances are you’re silently comparing yourself to them and feeling like you don’t measure up. And they're probably doing the same.